The leading eye is corrected for distance, the other for near.

Presbyopia is an accommodation problem that nearly 10 million Poles over 40 suffer from. It manifests itself, among other things. trouble sharpening eyesight while reading. The weakening of the accommodative muscles is not related to the developing visual defect, but to the hardening of the natural lens – it loses its elasticity. It is impossible to stop this process, so it is a matter of time and individual predisposition when we feel that we have “hands too short to read. Presbyopia is usually diagnosed as early as 40. year of life, and its highest intensity is when we are 40-55 years old.

People struggling with presbyopia most often turn to eyeglasses. Some people choose separate glasses for nearsightedness and separate glasses for distance, while some choose progressive glasses, which allow simultaneous correction of distance, nearsightedness and intermediate vision.
Many times a person struggling with both visual impairment and presbyopia is forced to wear several different pairs of glasses on a daily basis, depending on the activity he undertakes, and if he additionally practices sports – also contact lenses. Such juggling of corrective glasses and contact lenses can be really unbearable.

The course of the operation

Before the procedure, a trial of contact lenses tailored to the patient’s needs is carried out as a simulation of the possible outcome of the procedure. It lasts for a period of one to two weeks and, based on this, an assessment is made as to whether the monovision procedure is a suitable option for the patient.

In the case of monovision, the patient undergoes Femto-LASIK surgery, phakic lens implantation or lens replacement. All methods correct the dominant eye for distance vision and the non-dominant eye for near.

Qualification for monovision

Monovision, i.e. correcting one – the dominant eye for distance (the dominant eye is the eye you would put to the sight if given a gun), while leaving the other eye myopic, is an optical setting that seems strange to patients, to say the least. Well, because what do you mean: each eye sees differently? The patient suddenly becomes different-sighted. Of course, differential vision occurs naturally in humans. Many people with myopia, for example, have different powers of eyeglasses or contact lenses in each eye. The Prince of Poets, or Johann Wolfgang Goethe, had congenital monovision, which is why today in German-speaking countries this affliction is referred to as “Goethe’s eyesight.”

But in the case of monovision, as discussed in this article, this differential is created specifically, artificially.

Which eye will be farsighted and which will be short-sighted is decided after a series of tests. In no way does it depend on the arbitrary decision of the doctor or patient. Before an ophthalmologist proceeds with monovision correction of presbyopia, he or she conducts a qualifying examination to see if the patient’s brain will accept the solution. In other words, it is checked whether the differential planned for the patient will be acceptable to him, whether he will be comfortable with it.

This sequence of actions means that monovision correction is not performed unless the patient passes a qualifying examination and is 100 percent sure that monovision is not only tolerated by the patient, but also gives him or her comfortable vision. Attempts to achieve monovision vision improvement can be made repeatedly in the search for the perfect contact lenses. Once the eye has become accustomed to this type of correction, the patient may decide to have laser monovision.

After a well-executed monovision correction, the brain integrates the image of both eyes and this gives the ability to see well both near and far (the so-called “monovision”). allround vision). It is worth knowing that, as part of performing monovision, the dioptric difference between the near- and farsighted eye can be selected according to the patient’s tolerance and needs and individualized as much as possible.

Methods of conducting monovision

Monovision can be performed in a variety of ways: with contact lenses, through laser vision correction or with intraocular lens implants. It involves the patient wearing a contact lens/having an intraocular lens implanted for nearsightedness in one eye and a lens for distance in the other.

If we have been nearsighted up to now, when correcting presbyopia in one, usually weaker eye, the doctor will leave the defect, known as “myopia”, not fully corrected. residual defect. If we were farsighted – our defect will be corrected to a small extent. We can divide monovision into three types, depending on what defect in this weaker, nearsighted eye remains:

  • Micromonovision (close-up eye has up to -0.75 diopter)
  • Minimonovision (nearsighted eye has -0.75 to -1.25 diopters)
  • Monovision (nearsighted eye has -1.25 to -2.50 diopters)

While surgical monovision is reversible, it is associated with the need for another surgical procedure. If there is no neuroadaptation after the procedure and the existing difference between the eyes impedes daily functioning, there is no way out – it has to be done. Can be used in all surgical techniques:

  • Laser vision correction: PRK, Lasek, LASIK, FemtoLASIK, micro-lens vision correction).
  • Phakic lenses
  • Refractive lens replacement.

Important information

Separation of the functions of the eyes is usually well received – the eyes work well together, and the overall image is clearly perceived by the brain. Although there are some impacts on spatial vision, they are not detrimental to most activities. Depending on the patient’s wishes and personal preferences, already during the initial examination or lens simulation, the patient is able to determine whether this method is suitable for him or her.

In any case, the brain always needs time to get used to new conditions. If the result of the procedure is not fully satisfactory, the eyes can later be adjusted to see at a distance. For close distances, reading glasses are then needed.

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SwissLaser is Schwind’s laser reference center. We are laser vision correction experts with international experience. We use modern, certified technologies that allow you to be free of glasses for good!

Our SwissLaser clinic has an intensive scientific collaboration with Schwind. Dr. Victor Derhartunian trains physicians around the world in laser vision correction using high-tech devices from SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions.


The creation of SwissLaser is Dr. Victor Derhartunian’s return to his Polish roots – bringing European knowledge, experience, quality and the famous Swiss precision to our country, so that every patient who needs vision correction receives everything in terms of technology, knowledge and care.

Our current goal is to advance knowledge in the field of refractive surgery, lenticular and laser surgery, so that Polish patients can receive quality treatment in this area.

Dr. Victor Derhartunian received the Patients’ Choice Award from 2012 to 2023.

The most important thing is to choose the right method for your visual impairment. During the initial consultation, we will suggest an appropriate laser correction technique.

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